"Candlier"  Candle Holder for an Electric Chandelier:


The Candlier:

The Candlier is a candle holder for your electric chandelier. The Candlier allows you to use wax candles in an electric chandelier! The Candlier is as easy to use as taking out the light bulb and popping in a Candlier. With nothing else like it on the market, over 8,000 units have been sold in retail outlets at $10 per unit. Safe, attractive, durable, stain-resistant, non-flammable and non-conductive, they last for years.


When electric lights are desired, simply remove the Candlier and put the light bulb back in! As the first picture above shows, candles and light bulbs can be used simultaneously. The inventors are seeking assistance to expand the market.

Please click here to visit the inventors' main web site.

Inventors:  Jack and Roberta Jwayad, P.O. Box 17460, Portland, OR 97217-0460
Phone (503) 289-3463 or (800) 762-9451 pin 01. 
E-mail: [email protected]

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