
THE ONLINE INVENTOR -- April 2006 Issue

(c) 2006 Market Launchers, Inc.


Editor:  Paul Niemann


Dear Inventor �

We welcome an experienced pro in the world of inventing to THE ONLINE INVENTOR -- Mr. Larry Udell. If you�re a subscriber to Inventors� Digest, then you�ve seen Larry�s articles. There are few people who have more experience or knowledge about bringing a product to market than Larry.

Best Regards,


Paul Niemann




�Description of a Successful Inventor,�
by Larry Udell

1.         A founder who realizes he/she cannot achieve their dream by themselves.  

2.         A founder who has done their homework on researching the business, product, service, market and the competition.  

3.         A founder who wants to achieve success for personal satisfaction and peer acceptance, more than great personal wealth.  

4.         A team whose total individual focus is on a single objective, with each participant recognizing their contributions and its values to the total.  

5.         A well-defined �Road Map� or business plan that everyone agrees on, with target dates for accomplishments individually and collectively.


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6.         A documented knowledge of the realistic needs for the immediate and long-range funding of the start-up phase and growth.  

7.         The ability to change course and direction at any time in the growing process, for the benefit of achieving the objective.  

8.         Learning to adapt and recognize the needs of other team members.  

9.         Not allowing negative outside influences to have any effect upon the venture and goals.  

10.       Prioritizing and re-prioritizing the targets and time requirements.  

11.       Having the individual and collective abilities not to permit greed or personal gains to interfere with the focused purpose the venture was originally created for.  

12.       To always keep family informed and never to sacrifice the devotion by others for success. You cannot replace true love with wealth.  

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Larry Udell is Executive Director of the California Invention Center and the Center for New Venture Alliance . He can be reached at Intellectual Property International, 3766 Brookdale Blvd. , Castro Valley , CA 94546-2014 . Phone: (510) 888-1998. E-mail:  [email protected]  
