Used Motor Oil Draining and Collecting Device:
Patent #: 6,273,155

Design Advantages:
- Allows users to quickly remove and refill oil into vehicle
- Eliminates spillage and messy clean-ups
- Saves time and energy
- Keeps hands and clothes cleaner
- May encourage motorist to check and change oil more frequently
- Easily pours oil into container with a small or big spout without the use
of a unreliable funnel
- Eliminates the use of oil draining receptacle to transfer used oil into
Design Features:
- Rectangular plastic unit measures approximately 6-1/2' tall by 15' long by
15" wide
- Features an On/Off check valve at lower end of unit; four supportive legs
are attached
- Lower rear legs supported by a perpendicular cross member near bottom
- Front legs of unit adjust to fit directly from the upper left beneath the
oil check valve
- A drain hole, locate on the upper part of the container, collects used oil
- A magnetic cross strip between the legs keeps rear legs secured when unit
is collapsed
- A shaft that pivots front legs and collection pan assembly is located in
the upper front portion of the assembly
- Upper end of two rear legs also serve as a handle across the top of the
- To use, the collapsed unit is slid underneath pan and lubricant is drained
from an automobile's oil pan
- Oil pan's bolt is removed and check valve is closed to allow dirty oil to
seep onto the collection unit
- Lubricant is released from lower check valve assembly
- Unit is removed from underneath vehicle and expanded again
- Jug is then placed under check valve for collection of used oil from unit
Stage of Development:
Target Markets:
- Automotive do-it-yourself enthusiasts
- Auto mechanics
Sales Outlets:
- National chain, convention, and discount department stores
- Hardware stores
- Gasoline service stations
- Retailers of automotive parts and supplies
- Wholesalers of tools
- Wholesaler of service establishment equipment and supplies
- Wholesaler of plastic materials
- Televised home shopping programs
- Internet web sites
- Mail-order catalogs
Inventor: Leonardo Cacho, 5746 W. Patterson,
Chicago, IL 60634
Phone: (773) 545-7613
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