Patented Instalert �
INSTALERT is a pocket-sized security device designed to emit a sound
signal that can be easily heard up to 90 feet away.
This single-piece unit consists of an electronic system mounted on a circuit board containing transmitters, capacitators, adaptor, piezo and a metal clip mounted above 2-3 volt lithium removable batteries. It's enclosed in a 2" x 3" lexan jacket weighing less than 2 ounces.
A small tab, cut into the jacket, serves as the trigger (A) and, when placed between the metal clip (B) and the batteries (C), prevents it from activating. The upper tab (D) serves as a lock when pushed through the horizontal slit (D). When this is disengaged, the jacket springs open from its doubled position and activates the arm.
INSTALERT is ideal for the protection of valuables and just about anything. It's perfect for slipping between doors, windows and drawers. Parents can be alerted if a child's door/window is opened or a gun removed from a hidden place. Slip it under a laptop, computer, purse or luggage and be alerted if it is moved. This intermittent signal is loud enough to deter any intruder from proceeding past the door.
Retail price: Approximately $13.95
Inventor: Mary Cantrall, 3778 Juniper St.,
Clarkston, MI 48348
E-Mail: [email protected]
since April 17, 2007
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