(c) 2007 Market Launchers, Inc.
Editor: Paul Niemann
Here are this week's articles ...
Article # 1:
�Can the Super Bowl Ads Benefit Inventors?� by Paul Niemann of
Article # 2:
�Amateurs Built the Ark,� submitted by my friend Barbara Carter
�Can the Super Bowl Ads
Benefit Inventors?�
by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com
How many times have you heard of
the �Not Invented Here� syndrome that seems to affect so many manufacturers?
If you�re not familiar with it, it basically says that many companies feel
that if the product was not invented by someone at their company, then it is
either not worth pursuing or it�s not worth the (real or perceived) hassle of
dealing with an outside inventor. Many companies still don�t deal with outside
inventors at all.
one way to combat the �Not Invented Here� syndrome � and they won�t have
any choice but to agree with you (but it doesn�t guarantee that it will change
their way of doing business).
One set of Super Bowl ads relied
on non-company personnel � �amateurs� � to create their ads. Do you
remember which company that was?
It was Doritos. At a cost of $2.6
million, that�s not cheap. More than 1,200 entries were sent in, and 5
finalists competed for the chance to have their ad run during the Super Bowl.
If a company is willing to trust
$2.6 million to an unproven outsider, then doesn�t it make sense to at least
consider looking at products that were created by outsiders? I think it does!
In my opinion, the Doritos ads
can have a huge benefit to inventors who pitch their new products to companies.
It will help you make your case more effectively.
# #
Niemann runs MarketLaunchers.com, building web pages for inventors. Having your
own web page allows you to show your invention to companies when you�re unable
to present it to them in person, serving as your own �online brochure.�
Plus, there are companies who search the MarketLaunchers.com invention database
for new products. Visit http://www.marketlaunchers.com/forms.html
for details and pricing.
Built the
by my friend Barbara Carter
NOTE: A number of these items apply
to inventors. I'll leave it to you to figure out which ones.
I need to know about life, I learned from Noah�s