Support Bracket for Garden Hose Attachments:  U.S. Patent # 6,575,312


The Support Bracket for Garden Hose Attachments is a simple utility that can be mounted horizontally, vertically or overhead for the purpose of storing garden hose attachments. PVC is the best material to use in its manufacture; however, it could be made from any number of materials. One version is constructed with a channel that provides for sliding of large hose fittings to prevent collision between each other, as these photos illustrate:


Sales Points:

As a garden utility, the Support Bracket for Garden Hose Attachments is one of the simplest and most useful new products in years. Look at any home water bib and the usefulness of this invention will be instantly apparent, as attachments for the hose can usually be found scattered about the yard, requiring an Easter egg hunt every time one is needed. The Support Bracket for Garden Hose Attachments eliminates this hunt, with all hose fittings conveniently located at the hose bib.

Every home will have at least one, and probably two, and most likely one above every hose bib. The cost of manufacturing will be easily recouped many times over with very little effort by the manufacturer.

The Support Bracket for Garden Hose Attachments also
serves as an excellent display for hardware stores.

Inventors:  Burt and David Imeson (Imeson Enterprises Inc.), 1926 Hillsboro Blvd., Fallon, NV 89406
Phone:  (775) 423-4459
[email protected]

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