Pillow Stow is a new invention available for sale or license:
Storage furniture for decorative pillows on your bed while you sleep at
night. Rather than throw your pillows on the floor (per research) place them in
an attractive piece of furniture that has other capabilities:
The Pillow Stow Storage Furniture stores furniture for decorative pillows on your bed while you sleep at
night. Rather than throw your pillows on the floor (per research) place them in
an attractive piece of furniture that has many other capabilities:
1) The Pillow Stow Storage Furniture stores
the decorative pillows from your bed while you sleep at night.
2) Drawer for other storage use
3) If you have the extra room in you pillow stow an adjustable shelf is included
to add another storage area
4) Designed to accommodate your decorative Bed Cover by draping over the pillow
stow (as shown) folding down the bed and drape over the pillow stow. Easy
reassembly of your bed by rolling out your folded bed cover.
5) Two additional designs giving greater versatility for your Pillow Stow
6) The Pillow Stow can be added to a full set of bedroom furniture as an option
7) Purchase outright with popular colors to match any bedroom set
8) Safety Hinges used not allowing cabinet top to slam shut, causing
9) Manufacturing Costs based on solid wood frame, doors and some veneer.
The Pillow Stow can be manufactured as a quality furniture inexpensively. Large retailers such as Walmart, Target, K-Mart, Costco and others can be sold a comparable Pillow Stow that can accent an already existing furniture line. The Pillow Stow also has a commercial application, as it can be sold to hotel chains. This would save HOTELS millions of dollars in replacement cost!
Marketing research opinion suggests this product has great potential in the market place. Patent search reveals that there is no other product meeting Pillow Stow bedding storage for this purpose. Patent Agent opinion states the Pillow Stow is patentable.
The inventor is looking for a licensee
Jay Nelson, 13771 Spruce Street, Thornton, CO 80602
Phones: 303-862-4471 or 952-649-8980
E-mail: [email protected]