


THE ONLINE INVENTOR -- July 2006 Issue


(c) 2006 Market Launchers, Inc.




Editor:  Paul Niemann





Dear Inventor �


Another good article for you in this issue �


Best Regards,


Paul Niemann







�Find help launching your invention at your local college�

Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com


A couple weeks ago, I suggested the idea of hiring a telemarketer to make your phone calls for you in your licensing efforts. Here�s another idea, one that�s been working well for me �


Contact a local college or university to find a student to help you in your business. My recommendation is to start with the business department and, in particular, a marketing professor. Ask for the name of a student(s) who might be able to help you in the launch of your new product. Most marketing professors are able to recommend someone.


MBA students are your best bet. When I was getting my MBA, our marketing professor had us do group projects related to marketing. The one I worked on involved helping a client launch a new product onto the market. The client paid for the expenses but not any wages to us.


We did market research, made our recommendations and put them in a report and presented it to the client. 


Fast forward to the present. I�ve been hiring marketing students to help me in my business for 3 years now. It has worked out very well, and they appreciate the experience they get. We set it up as an internship, and I pay them, too. It�s a win-win situation. The students, buy the way, are not even MBA students; they are undergraduates.


In the interest of full disclosure, I admit that it�s a bit easier to find good students to work for me because I teach marketing at a local university, but that shouldn�t stop you from finding a student or two to help you.


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Paul Niemann runs MarketLaunchers.com, building web pages for inventors. Having your own web page allows you to show your invention to companies when you�re unable to present it to them in person. It can serve as your �online brochure.� Plus, it can be seen by companies who search the MarketLaunchers.com Invention Database for new products.

