(c) 2009 Market
Launchers, Inc.
Paul Niemann
Dear Inventor �
Here�s the next issue of �THE ONLINE INVENTOR.� The first article is excerpted from
Trevor Lambert�s program called, �INVENT SECRETS: How to Market and License
Your Product Ideas,� and it is an excellent learning tool for inventors and
entrepreneurs. You can pick up your own copy at http://www.inventsecrets.com
Trevor�s company, Lambert & Lambert, is one of the few companies that successfully licenses inventions. Best of all, they do it on a contingency basis if you meet their requirements. I highly recommend them. Their website is http://www.lambertinvent.com
We welcome a new contributor to our newsletter, Don
Debelak. Don has become an expert on the process of bringing new inventions to
market, and we bring you one of his many helpful article for inventors. Enjoy!
on with this issue � and have a Happy Independence Day!
Paul Niemann
is not final, failure is not failure: It is the courage to continue that
counts�� Winston Churchill (1871 � 1965)
telling God how big your storm is. Instead, tell the storm how big your God
is!�� Author unknown
are two ways of exerting strength: One is pushing down; the other is pulling
up� � Booker T. Washington
# 1: �Do you need a
by Trevor Lambert, President, Lambert & Lambert, www.lambertinvent.com
Excerpted from Invent Secrets, www.inventsecrets.com
In the evaluation and analysis of your invention, as
discussed in chapter 2, there are many conclusions that you could have reached.
Your invention could be inferior or superior to existing solutions, there
could be issues related to safety, profitability, etc.
Many of these can be resolved with further development and refinement of
your invention so that it becomes a salable product.
However, there are three critical issues that may affect whether or not
you should file for the patent. They
Your invention (or something VERY similar) has already been issued a
patent or several patents by various other inventors.
The size of the market segment or industry in which your product will
sell is very limited.
The product life cycle is likely to be very short, meaning it is less
than 2 years.
any case you may elect to not seek patent protection for your invention.
In the first case, if you have discovered other patents that
are identical or similar, it is likely that you may not be granted a patent; or
if you are granted a patent, it will be so limited that it does not provide
enough protection to keep out competitors or attract a licensee.
It is important to note that Lambert & Lambert has licensed products
that have similar patents on the market, so you should not simply throw away
your invention if you find some inventions that are similar.
Your invention may have a critical patentable improvement that makes the
product a commercial success or extremely valuable in the eyes of a potential
licensee, thus making seeking a patent a worthwhile endeavor.
If you are seeking to license your invention, it has been our
experience that a design patent is nearly impossible to license.
The reason is because the design patent only covers how the invention
looks, not how it functions. It is
very easy to change the �ornamental design� and still have a product that
does essentially the same thing. As
a result, manufacturers are very unlikely to license a design patent since they
would rather change the design themselves rather than pay an inventor a royalty.
Consequently, if an invention service provider or patent attorney says
you are unlikely to be issued a utility patent but encourages you to file for
the design patent in order to achieve a license deal, RUN AWAY!
They either do not know what they are talking about or they are simply
looking for a payday; they certainly do not have your best interests in mind.
In the second case, if the market size in which your invention
would compete in is very limited, such as a specialty product, you may want to
consider not filing for patent due to financial reasons.
That is, if the product is unlikely to sell in significant quantities,
your sales or royalties might not warrant the cost of filing the patent
application and subsequent maintenance fees.
Finally, in the third instance, if the product life cycle is
likely to be short, patenting may be unnecessary.
An example of this is found in the toys and games industry where many
products only last for one Christmas season.
This is also good news for toy inventors because toy companies are always
looking for new products to replace others that are no longer selling.
Nevertheless, since it currently takes about 2 years (often times longer)
for a patent application to be issued by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO),
a product with a short shelf life may have been rolled out and eventually
discontinued by the retailer before the patent is even issued.
Of course, if you decide that it is not worth patenting, make
sure that you perform thorough research on existing patents that may be issued
prior to continuing with your development and manufacturing.
There may be similar inventions that have been patented and the
manufacturing of your product may infringe, leading to an unwanted legal battle.
Lastly, without patent protection you are welcoming
competitors to the marketplace that will eventually erode your sales.
Marketing principles suggest that those who enter a market first usually
will remain the market leader, especially if you are able to forge a strong,
recognizable brand. For instance,
the paper tissue market is dominated by KLEENEX� who first introduced it.
In fact, most people do not even call it �paper tissue,� rather it is
referred as �KLEENEX��. This is
an extreme case but illustrates the value of entering a market first.
Nevertheless, when considering filing the patent these are essential
points to consider as you develop your commercialization strategy so that you
can get the most out of your invention.
This is an excerpt from a book recently written by Trevor
Lambert, entitled Invent Secrets: How to Market
and License Your Product Ideas. To learn more or order the
comprehensive manual, which includes sample agreements, proposals and much more,
please visit www.inventsecrets.com
Trevor Lambert is also the President of Lambert & Lambert, Inc., one of the
leading licensing agencies involved in establishing royalty agreements on behalf
of inventors and product developers. To find out how you can have them
represent your invention, learn more on their website at www.lambertinvent.com
# 2: �Selling On Commission�
by Don Debelak
Selling On Commission:
Inventors often have more ideas than money. The result is that inventors have
a tough time figuring out just how to proceed. One option most inventors don't
often consider is selling on commission. An inventor gets orders for his or her
product and then has a manufacturer make the product. But instead of a license
agreement, the inventor just becomes the sales rep and takes a commission. The
inventor may have to surrender control of the idea, especially if the
development costs are high, but they often still have a great deal of input and
they can usually negotiate a long term commission agreement. This is often an
easier deal for the manufacturer to accept and in the end the inventor makes
more money at a 10% commission rather than a three to five percent royalty. The
whole secret of success is land a big order, then manufacturers will be
interested in talking to you, provided the product fits within their
manufacturing capability. The benefit to the inventor is that he or she is
selling the product with the backing of an established company. That backing
both enhances the inventor's credibility and provides the funding needed to
launch the product.
The Basic Points for the Sales Pitch:
You are selling only two points when going for sales on commission. The first
is that you have an order or commitment from a significant customer. The second
is that the manufacturer has available capacity and will only need to make
minimal changes to its manufacturing process. A bonus for the sale is if you can
also show that there is an easy-to-penetrate distribution channel to sell to
customers other than the one who will give you a commitment.
You won't always know which manufacturers have the right equipment in place
and need to add production to fill up your plants. As a result you may need to
call on quite a few manufacturers before you find one that has the right
equipment and the available capacity for your product.
Key Benefits:
after the break)
Key Move:
The key to lining up a selling-on-commission agreement is to know who the key
players in the distribution network are, and preferably to have their support
for your product idea before you approach a manufacturer. That's the only way
the manufacturer will be convinced that you can actually sell your product. Use
trade magazines and attend trade shows to find the distributors and
manufacturers representatives in your area. (Click
here to read about how to find distributors.) Then talk to those contacts to
see if they believe your idea will sell. You should be able to get a
selling-on-commission agreement if you get these contacts to endorse your
product idea, or better yet, if they let you know they will buy the product if
and when it becomes available.
Pros and Cons:
Items to Watch:
Success Tips:
invent the darndest things�
by Paul Niemann
I received a call one day from a nice lady who works for
I said �Sure,� since I figured that it couldn�t be
all that hard speaking to a few harmless little kids, right?
After I committed to speaking to this group, I asked her
how many kids would be in the audience. She replied, �3,500.� Yikes! But I
figured that as long as they�re all in the same age group (like 4th
through 6th grades), that it wouldn�t be too hard, right?
It turns out that they ranged from Kindergarten all the
way up to 12th grade � double yikes!! Wanting to make my talk
relevant to these kids, I created a presentation about kid inventors. So this
story features several inventions that were created by kids ages 11 � 19 �.
On a cold night back in
1905, 11-year-old Frank Epperson of San Francicso left his fruit-flavored drink
outside on the porch with a stirring stick in it. The drink froze to the stick
and tasted good. Frank initially named it the �Epsicle.�
At first, there wasn�t
much interest in the Epsicle. By the time Frank finally applied for a patent for
his �frozen ice on a stick� and put it on the market 18 years later, he had
a wife and kids of his own. One of the kids convinced him to re-name the
Epsickle as the Popsicle. Two years later, in 1925, Frank sold his Popsicle
rights to the Joe Lowe Company of
Philo Farnsworth of
But wait, there�s more!
His product was so
revolutionary, so far ahead of his time, that when he drew it on the chalkboard
for his high school chemistry teacher to see, the product was too complex for
the chemistry teacher to understand! Yet it was the simple design of his
family�s potato fields that provided him with his �
How old was Philo Farnsworth
when he figured out how this new product called television should work?
after the break)
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Only 14 years old! He became
the father of television, winning a lengthy court battle against RCA to
establish that he was the real inventor. His wife, Elma, became known as the
mother of television because she was the first woman to appear on TV, in 1927.
Our third and final inventor
was Chester Greenwood, who was just 15 years old when he put
While ice skating outdoors
one winter day,
They now go by the name of
Earmuffs, and his hometown is the Earmuff Capital of the World. The local
residents still celebrate his birthday every year with a parade. Chester
Greenwood earned more than 100 patents overall, including the steel-tooth rake.
While anyone
could have created Popsicles or earmuffs, it took some real ingenuity to invent
the TV � especially since there was no programming at the time! When you�re
stuck, try taking a look at life�s problems � and its solutions � through
the eyes of a kid.
# # #
Niemann runs MarketLaunchers.com, building web pages for inventors, and he also
writes a syndicated newspaper column.