


THE ONLINE INVENTOR � June 2007 issue


(c) 2007 Market Launchers, Inc.




Editor:  Paul Niemann





Dear Inventor �


If you wish to advertise in our humble little newsletter (and reach more than 2,200 inventors), please e-mail me at [email protected] or call (217) 224-8194 for details. Thanks.



�You�ll miss 100% of the shots you don�t take� -- The Great One, Wayne Gretzky


Now, on with this week�s issue �

Article # 2:       �The Auction Approach � How It Can Benefit You� by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com

Best Regards,


Paul Niemann







�The Auction Approach � How It Can Benefit You�

By Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com


I get a lot of calls and e-mails from inventors telling me that they have a manufacturer interested in their product. I say, �Great! Now go get another manufacturer interested in your product.�




There are a couple of reasons �


1.         What if this one manufacturer doesn�t work out?


2.         What better way to get yourself as good a deal as possible than by having two or more companies bidding on your invention? It doubles your odds AND drives your price up.


Negotiating with 2 or more companies for the rights to your invention also takes some of the pressure off you to get a deal done, because you know that it�s not the end of the world if the first one doesn�t work out.


I went to a horse auction last week � (continued after the ad) �





INVENTORS: Get your own web page, so you can show it to companies when you contact them. MarketLaunchers.com builds web pages for inventors. Having your own web page allows you to show your invention to companies when you�re unable to present it to them in person, serving as your own �online brochure.� Plus, there are companies who search the MarketLaunchers.com invention database for new products. Visit http://www.marketlaunchers.com/forms.html for details and pricing.




� and at the horse auction I noticed how the auctioneer is always in control because he has multiple buyers bidding on the products. It is this process of having multiple buyers bidding that drives the price up and ensures that each product gets sold.


Now, that�s a pretty basic statement, but there�s a message here for inventors who are trying to license their products. I�ve said it before but it�s worth repeating: Once you enter talks with a company about acquiring your invention, that�s the best time to line up another company (i.e. the first company�s competitor).




Just like with the auctioneer, you will be in control of your own destiny when you have 2 or more buyers. And it drives your price up (the best thing is that you don�t have to learn how to rap like an auctioneer).


One more thing: In case you�ve ever wondered why the auctioneer talks the way he does, it�s because it results in a higher selling price. Don�t ask me why!


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Paul Niemann runs MarketLaunchers.com, building web pages for inventors. Visit http://www.marketlaunchers.com/forms.html for details and pricing.


