"KelaTrap" Reservoir Device:


This diagram shows how the KeleTrap functions to catch 
the backflow and prevent dripping around the patient:

This image shows how the KeleTrap hangs on a hospital room wall:


The first picture is an example of the typical set up in the house of a patient with a tracheostomy tube; the ventilator and humidifier machine are on the top of the table and the suction machine with all the suction tubings and the Yankeaur * suction bulb and suction catheter are on the bottom of the table. 

The KeleTrap replaces the container indicated by the arrow, which was designed to catch the drippage. The function of this patent is not limited to just the tracheostomy. Fluids are also suctioned from the nose, ears and mouth. 

Here's a close-up view (from the previous picture) of what the KeleTrap is intended to replace:


* The suction of this kind of patient is so important as this is what makes them breathe by clearing the secretions from the orifices. This is done by using, a Yankeaur for the mouth, a catheter for the trach or a suction bulb as the case may be. The arrow indicates an example of how the inventor ( who is an RN) originally tried to catch the backflow, by turking in the yankeaur inside an improvised paper container without touching the bottom of the container after flushing the suction tubes with either the yankaeur or bulb attached to it, depending on what is being used at that time. Other nurses use different methods to prevent the back flow by using a glove around the yankaeur or bulb; others use syringe barrel with tape around the end and attach it to the infusion pole with a tape. Others simply give up and just hang the suction tubing on any available space or wind it around the suction machine itself.



  • Reservoir device made of polystyrene or other similar material, in size to internally store catheter without contact upon bottom of reservoir.
  • Torus-shaped top of soft elastomer, capable of sterilization.
  • Central cavity for collection of fluids and / or residues from store catheters.
  • Side opening within cavity through which collected fluids may be removed.
  • Separate reservoir (optional) within main frame for storage of catheter rinse solution.
  • Suction bulb with silicon rubber base for support upon top opening of device.
  • Outlet tube from suction bulb to vacuum source.
  • Bracket for mounting on wall or other level surface.
  • Provides clean and contained storage for used catheters.
  • Prevents drippage and spillage of bodily fluids within healthcare environments.
  • Substantially reduces likelihood of secondary infections by other patients due to bacterial exposure.
  • Can be used for storage or other medical devices.
  • Can be used in all hospital room environments, as well as mobile locations.
  • Allows immediate and relevant location for cleansing of catheters prior to reapplication.
  • Affordable to an industry with new rate increase restrictions.
  • Affordable means to prevent additional costs to both medical facilities and patients.


In the hospitals, nursing homes and surgical centers, you have the same problem but the difference is that attendants can be called to clean the floor or the surfaces, the bed sheets, etc. In the homehealth nursing industry, it is different because the backflow drips on the floor or carpet, absorbed and dried up, and then becomes airborne. This causes the patient to become infected, and this contaminates the surroundings. As a result, the people working around the patient become sick, which can cause a patient to have to go back into the hospital repeatedly. 

The KeleTrap prevents these backflow drippings on the surface and on the floor, and can be either suctioned out during the shift, or can be rinsed off, sterilized in the vinegar water and be ready for use during the next shift. 

The medical field is continuously growing, developing and improving.

But the rate of secondary acquisition of disease and infection amongst its inpatients has grown and developed even further.

�Cleanliness is next to godliness,� the old saying goes. But in hospitals and other health environments, the state of sanitary cleanliness can at times be almost devilish. These environments serve those with sickness, and such sickness can be unintentionally and unwontedly made accessible in these health facilities.

Catheters, for example, are frequently used tools in the care of many patients. But these devices need immediate, sanitary and contained storage. Without such, their purpose of health improvement may be defeated, and the medical environment may wind up contaminated. And that�s why the KeleTrap needs to be implemented within these environments.

The KeleTrap is a prophylactic storage device for catheters and other medical tools, and consists of a polystyrene body that can be mounted upon a wall or other level surface by bracket. Its top portion is torus-shaped and features a soft, elastomer lining capable of sterilization, and through this top may a catheter be inserted and sanitarily stored and drained.

An opening on the side of the KeleTrap allows fluids that drain from an inserted catheter to be removed, and a separate reservoir compartment within the main body could also be featured to store a catheter rinse solution.

The KeleTrap ensures that commonly used medical tools can be stored safely, securely and sanitarily. And by doing so, healthcare environments can more properly maintain their operating principles of health.

Please visit the inventor's main web site at www.newproductsnetwork.com/kelatrap for more information

Inventor:  Lanre Kelani, 13578 S.W. 21st Street
Miramar, FL 33027
Phone:  (954) 612-4398

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