Patent-pending Air Handler toilet ventilation
The Air Handler toilet ventilation device has
several design advantages:
- Draws odors out of a toilet bowl and out of the bathroom
- Helps keep bathroom smelling fresh and clean
- Funnels exhaust air to the outside of a structure
- Offers a healthier alternative to chemical air freshening sprays, solids
or candles
- More effective than bathroom ceiling fans
- Easy to use

The Air Handler toilet ventilation device has
several design features:
- Exhaust ventilation system consists of an intake manifold located between
the toilet set and bowl
- Manifold leads to a hose mounted behind the toilet, which leads to a
separate unit containing an exhaust fan and hose; exhaust hose leads to an
outside exhaust vent
- Exhaust hose could also be designed to connect directly to the existing
ceiling fan vent
- System could be connected to standard household wiring; could be activated
by means of a wall switch or a pressure sensor on the underside of the seat
that detects when it is in use
- The system could be incorporated into new toilet designs

The inventor is looking for
a licensee for the Air Handler
Inventor: Edward LeBrun
Cell: (541) 300-9142; (541) 298-8151
since June 19, 2006