Emergency Roadside Reflector available for sale or license:
Main benefits include:
1. Simplicity of construction and set-up.
2. Economically superior to anything presently on the market.
3. Directional
4. Superior reflectability using reflector tape material, compared to glass or plastic.
5. Eliminates the need for flares or batteries.
Preliminary field-testing of reflector model showed a higher degree of visibility in day or night situations at a longer range than any other device currently on the market. Also, because of its reversibility, it is the only single device capable of directing traffic from disabled vehicle to either right or left direction. The stand and stabilizer rest completely within the reflector body so that packaging is simplified and may be blister-packed, meaning that point-of-purchase is easily recognized by prospective buyers. The body may be constructed of ABS-molded material or by injection molding. Field testing has indicated that additional weighting of the unit may be necessary in case of windy conditions or turbulence caused by passing vehicles. This can be easily accomplished by placing a car jack, wheel lug wrench, or jack handle across the stabilizer.
Please contact Market Launchers at (636) 477-8000 for the name and phone number of the inventor.