
THE ONLINE INVENTOR � March 2008 issue

(c) 2008 Market Launchers, Inc.


Editor:  Paul Niemann  


Dear Inventor �  

Welcome to another issue of our humble little newsletter. Today�s story picks up where the last issue left off:  What to say when you get past the voice mail and have a live human person on the other end � a potential licensee who can help you realize your dream of getting your product onto the market.  

In other news, I�ve always been a fan of �How To� books for 2 main reasons. First, they help you increase your odds of succeeding. Second, they save you time and money. Rather than trying to re-invent the wheel yourself, a good �How To� book can show you step-by-step how to get from Point A to point B � and avoid some of the expensive mistakes that you might otherwise make. We welcome our newest sponsor, Dr. Nissan Shukrie, who is the author of  From Brainstorming to the Bank: A Practical Guide to Inventions and Patents Ebook�From Brainstorming to the Bank: A Practical Guide to Inventions and Patents.� His book is a step-by-step guide that will help you bring your product to market. Be sure to read his information below.   

Also, the International Housewares Trade Show is coming soon, March 16-18, 2008 . Please see the important message below if you have a Housewares product.

Now, on with this week�s issue �

Best Regards,
Paul Niemann
Paul Niemann


CLEVER QUOTE:  �Make good habits and they will make you��

Parks Cousins  


Article # 1:    �What to say when you call a potential licensee on the phone�
by Paul Niemann of MarketLaunchers.com

In our last issue, we discussed how to use voice mail to your advantage. Now we look at what to do when you get a hot prospect on the phone � someone who is capable of making the decision to license or acquire your product.  

There are 2 ways to do this: The old way and the new way. Of course, it�s always better to make your presentation in person, but that is not always feasible for those of us who proudly live-in �flyover country.�  

First, here�s the old way:

�Hi, Joe. This is Paul Niemann, and the reason I�m calling you is because I�m the one who developed the WidgetMaster 6000, and I wanted to explain how it can increase sales of your Housewares product line.�

�Is this a good time to talk for a minute, or was I interrupting something important?�

�Good, I�ll keep it brief. Just to give you an idea of what the product is and how it will increase sales for your company, the WidgetMaster 6000 cleans windows better than the other products on the market. It also costs less than other products to manufacture, and it doesn�t compete with your existing products. Instead, it enables you to compete against ABC Company and XYZ Company (their competitors) for market share. Best of all, market research has shown that 90% of the people will buy it at the suggested retail price of $19.95, which provides you with a healthy profit margin. Oh, one other thing � I�m currently in development of 2 accessory products that go with the WidgetMaster 6000, so it will provide you with additional sales for at least the next 5 or 6 years.

�Since I live in Illinois and you�re in California , I�d like to mail you the information and a sample (or prototype). If you�re open-minded to considering it for your product line, then I�ll send it out in today�s mail.�

Remember, your job is to explain it to him, not make a sale over the phone. No one is ever going to say �Yes� until he sees it. Your main objective is to convince him to take a look at it so he can then consider it for his product line.

And you�re not asking him to spend more money, but rather to spend less money to add a product to his line that is going to make his company a lot of money for the next several years. Companies are interested in products that do 1 of 2 things: Either increases their revenues, or decreases their expenses.

The new way to pitch companies over the phone is � (after the break)



I�ve always been a fan of �How To� books for 2 main reasons. First, they help you increase your odds of succeeding. Second, they save you time and money. Rather than trying to re-invent the wheel yourself, a good �How To� book can show you step-by-step how to get from Point A to point B.

I�d like to introduce you to our newest sponsor of THE ONLINE INVENTOR, Dr. Nissan Shukrie, who is the author of  From Brainstorming to the Bank: A Practical Guide to Inventions and Patents Ebook�From Brainstorming to the Bank: A Practical Guide to Inventions and Patents,� From Brainstorming to the Bank: A Practical Guide to Inventions and Patents Ebookand the inventor of the Umbrella Draining System, which has sold thousands of units on TV, Walgreens and Wal-Mart. In his book, Dr. Shukrie shares his experiences and how he gets to these markets. In addition, the book provides names of sources and contacts, making it easy for every inventor to bring his / her product to life.

Nissan�s book gives you a step-by-step guide to bringing your product to market. For example, it shows you how to do the research, the patenting, prototyping, getting funding and doing your own marketing. It even helps you decide which way to is best for you to bring it to market � licensing or manufacturing it yourself.

Please check out his e-book at http://www.drnissan.com � you�ll be glad you did. Since it is an e-book, you can purchase and download it and start benefiting from it within seconds.

In addition to his book, Dr. Nissan Shukrie also provides consulting services, including: Leading the invention process at all steps, i.e. concept design, product engineering analysis, review of patent filling applications, creating budgets and presentations to investors, manufacturers, marketing, licensing and monitoring the product development process. Visit http://www.drnissan.com for more information or e-mail him at [email protected] 


Now, the new way to explain your product when you call a company:

The new way to pitch companies over the phone is to direct them to your web site. There are 2 advantages to this, as compared to mailing information to them (the old way). First, they can see it as you talk to them. It�s immediate; it�s in the here and now.

Second, it only takes one phone call; it can take as long to reach the person by phone the second time (when you make the follow up call) as it did the first time. Quit playing phone tag. It�s a waste of time. Showing him your web site when you call him will enable you to avoid wasting your time, and will also reduce your frustration level.

After you�ve explained your product, as mentioned above, instead of telling him that you will mail the information and a sample to him, you simply say �

�Let me show you what it looks like. Are you at your computer, Joe? (If you�re speaking to him on the phone, then he is definitely at his computer because the computer is always next to the phone on his desk, so he will say �Yes� every time.)

�Here�s the web site: www.WidgetMaster6000.com. Let me know when it pops up on your screen and I will walk you through it. It only takes a couple minutes. 

Then you proceed to explain it to him, answer any questions he may have, and go from there (if you have a video on your web site that demonstrates your product, then that�s even better). It doesn�t have to be a complicated or stressful experience � you�ve put him in a position to make a decision, or he can let you know if he has to show it to other people in his company.

One other thing: If you�re not willing to contact companies by phone, there is another way to do it � (after the break)



The International Housewares Trade Show is coming soon, March 16-18, 2008

Please contact Ron Docie, Docie Invention Services, Toll free, 888 801 5200
or [email protected] if your Invention is in any of the following Trade Show
Product Categories:

Clean + contain expo:
bath + shower accessories; cleaning products + supplies; closet + clothes care;
furniture; general merchandise; hardware supplies; home improvement + diy; home organization; impulse products; home organization; outdoor living; pet supplies; and seasonal products.

Dine + design expo:
cook + bakeware; tea kettles + brewers; tabletop, kitchen essentials + accents; kitchen accessories; cutlery + accessories; food storage; kitchen tools + gadgets; spice racks + accessories; textiles; and thermometers.

Home d�cor:
candles; decorative accents; giftware; lighting accessories; picture / frames; tabletop
bar accessories; china, crystal + silver; dinnerware; flatware; glassware (drinkware / serveware); and hollowware.

Goho, gourmet home + food district:
cookbooks; gift registry; gourmet foods; gourmet products; Goho Cooking Theater
and Chef's; industry service providers pavilion; and industry service providers

Wired + well expo:
electrics + home healthcare; energy conservation products; floor + carpet care; home healthcare; household electrics; kitchen electrics; major appliances; personal care (electric + non-electric); and purifiers + filters (air + water).

Inventor's corner

International pavilions

Promotion in motion: Retail promotions:
promotional products; traffic building programs; Direct Response TV promotions; seasonal programs; price point promotions; custom products; and consumer incentives.

Also note, the National Hardware Show and Lawn & Garden World is
May 5-8, 2008 .

Exhibitors include: Manufacturers of home-related products including:
Hand and Power Tools,
Electrical and Plumbing,
Paint and Home Decor,
Lawn and Garden,
Outdoor Living
Global Sourcing.

For more info, please contact:

Ronald L. Docie, Sr.
Docie Invention Services*
73 Maplewood Dr.
Athens , OH 45701

(740) 594-5200

*Includes Hopewell Cooperative Inc. dba
Docie Marketing and/or Docie Development LLC


(rest of story) � If you�re not willing to contact companies by phone, there is another way to do it. Send each prospective licensee an e-mail with a short introduction of your product and a link to your web site. I received an e-mail today from a woman who has an innovative product that she thinks would be ideal for one of the manufacturers that I product scout for. It had a link to her web site, and the web site had a video that demonstrates her product perfectly. It made quite an impression on me!

The important thing to remember is that sometimes it�s a numbers game, so the more prospective licensees you contact, the greater your chances of reaching a licensing agreement. Either contact them in person, on the phone or by e-mail. And always remember to follow up regardless of how you contact them.

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Paul Niemann runs MarketLaunchers.com, building web pages for inventors. Having your own web page allows you to show your invention to companies when you�re unable to present it to them in person. It serves as your �online brochure.� Plus, it can be seen by companies who search the internet for new products.  
