"Star Trach" Water Trachea Prevention Kit is a new invention available for license: U.S. Patent # 5,947,121
�Where no trach has gone before�
Click to see the 3-D Illustration of the Star Trach Kit in action.
The "Star Trach" Water Trachea Prevention Kit provides a new and improved water blocking system for tracheotomy patients. It allows a patient to be able to shower and bathe without getting soap, shampoo and water into a trachea tube.
For a more technical description of how the "Star Trach" Water Trachea Prevention Kit works, please click here to visit the inventor's other site.
Testimonial from a doctor:
"I feel that it could benefit patients who have recently had a
tracheotomy. It would allow the patient to be able to shower and bathe without
getting soap, shampoo, and water into the stoma." Dr. Monty Rizzo,
Ear, Nose & Throat specialist
New Iberia
The inventor is looking for a licensee
Glory Be To God!
Inventor: Patrick Marshall, 704
sixth street, Merritt Island, Fl 32953 (graduate of Florida Metropolitan University, cum laude)
Cell: (321) 458-2791
Home: (321) 453-7555
E-mail: Bosspac7@aol.com
since June 2006
Click here to watch the inventor being interviewed on TV.
The inventor is available to speak at functions or meeting on inventions and the invention process. Contact Patrick Marshall directly.
Click here to read a newspaper story about the "Star Trach" Water Trachea Prevention Kit in a major Florida newspaper.
The following is taken from an ad for Florida Metropolitan University which featured the inventor, Patrick Marshall ...
�Look, I did it. YOU can do it!� Patrick Marshall Sr. is not a doctor or a scientist or even a med student, yet his simple medical invention may have the potential to improve the lives of tracheotomy patients around the world. �It could save so many lives,� he says. Marshall, an ex-marine, says he decided to get a business degree so people would take him and his ideas seriously. He chose FMU because it was close to his home and the classroom hours were convenient. �It fit my working schedule,� he says. The school recently honored Marshall with their annual FMU Scholarship Award. He said it made him happy because it was encouraging to his children and others, that they could do it too. �Look, I did it,� he says. �You can do it! Just dream! Get an education.� Marshall says his educational experience at FMU has been inspiring. The business program provides computer training, accounting skills and a thorough understanding of the business principles found in today's corporate world. �They listen to my ideas and apply their know-how,� he says of his instructors. �They stretch my imagination.� His enthusiasm is contagious. �It�s a beautiful environment,� Marshall says. �I would really recommend it to anyone who�s finished high school.� Marshall now has his own website (www.marketlaunchers.com/marshall.html) and a prototype of his invention. He�s learning how to market his ideas from instructors with real-world business experience. �It�s a wealth of information,� he says. Marshall�s story may be unique, but his experience is not. FMU students have one thing in common: they have taken their first step towards a brighter future. What are you waiting for? Call FMU today and be on the way to your brighter future too! # # # |
The inventor is looking for a
Support Star Trach's R & D efforts
Inventor: Patrick Marshall, 704
sixth street, Merritt Island, Fl 32953 (graduate of Florida Metropolitan University, cum laude)
Cell: (321) 458-2791
Home: (321) 454-9592
E-mail: Bosspac7@aol.com