Crocodile Bucket for Backhoes available for license: U.S. Patent # 6,408,551
The Crocodile Bucket separates the large material from the small material as it is being dumped. This makes the Crocodile Bucket different from all other buckets. The video shows how it does it.
This results in a huge time savings and, as we all know, in the construction industry, TIME = MONEY.
Click here to see
how the
Crocodile Bucket separates
the large material from the small material:
Click here to see the video that really show how the Crocodile Bucket works:
The inventor is looking for a manufacturer or a licensee
Inventor: Carl-Arne Carlsson / Stig Pettersson
CAPE Holding HB
Aspvagen 12
SE-820 20 Ljusne
+4627068940 fax
E-mail: [email protected]
+46703860627 mobile
since January 16, 2012