Pelvic Traction Belt Extender:
Key Features and Benefits:
- It is specially designed as an improvement to the Universal Pelvic Belt.
- It is designed to fill the gap in the belt for people who are too large for the
conventional belt.
- Unique design is applied using velcro -- simple and direct in its purpose.
- Fulfills the need of overweight people who need to be in traction.
- Eliminates the need for a second belt, cutting down on costs.
- Would appeal to many of the over 7 thousand hospitals and health centers in the United
- Could be sold through hospital equipment suppliers, medical centers and by mail order.
- Made primarily of plastic and non-latex plastic.
Inventor: Kenneth Samuel, 131 N. Higley Road #2,
Mesa, AZ 85205
Phone: 480-985-4185
E-mail: [email protected]