Tape Tacks �
Features of Tape Tacks � :
- Made from a special double-backed tape.
- Tape Tacks � are very easy to apply and remove, and they won't
damage wallpaper or other surfaces.
- Can hold greeting cards, pictures, menus, notes, etc. They're also good
for larger window and wall decorations (use two for larger items).
- You can stick one on the end of a rod and use it to pick things up off of the
floor -- or off of the ceiling. There are many other uses for Tape Tacks �
- Each package of 50 Tape Tacks � contains 6 strips with 8 tacks on each strip for only
Other uses for Tape Tacks � include:
- Hang greeting cards, notes, children's pictures, menus and holiday
- Put one on the end of a dowel rod for picking up things from the floor and
any hard-to-reach places.
- Keeps kleenex boxes from rising up whenever you grab a kleenex out of the
box. Also works for Q-tip boxes.
- These vinyl strips can be used to hold a notepad on your refrigerator
door; just pull out the strip over the cardboard backing and use scotch tape to
hold the ends down.
NOTE: Using a small knife allows you to easily lift up the corner of a Tape
Tack � for easy removal from the vinyl strip.
Tape Tacks � are available for individual sale at
only $1.50 for one package of 50, or $1.25 per package when you order 5 or more
packages (this includes S & H). To order, please contact the inventor at:
Inventor: Albert Sponzilli, Jr., 29 W 460 Wynn
Avenue, West Chicago, IL 60185
Phone: (630) 293-7487