"Pour Thing" �
The "Pour Thing"
Many different types of liquids are commonly sold in one-gallon plastic containers. These containers tend to be very heavy and awkward when the user goes to pour them, and spills are eminent. The Pour Thing allows the user to pour the container with just two fingers and you don't even have to take it out of the refrigerator. There's with very little chance of spilling. A child who could not handle a gallon container can use the Pour Thing with ease.
Once two-liter pop bottles are opened, they tend to collapse and become very difficult when the user tries to pour them. Once again, the Pour Thing solves the problem entirely. The effort it takes to use a Pour Thing is as simple as picking up a set of car keys. The Pour Thing can also be used on a counter top or a table top. The inventor has field-tested this thing extensively and has had remarkable results. He has shown it to approximately 2,000 people and found only 3 that did not care for it. People who have used one of the prototypes don't want to give them back to him.
The inventor is looking for a licensee
Inventor: John D. Straub, 9643 Russell,
Northville, MI 48167
Phone: (248) 446-0206
E-mail: [email protected]
since December 8, 2004